3 Big Reasons for Choosing Managed WordPress Hosting


WordPress is the most commonly used website CMS in the world. Almost one-third of all the websites are built using this platform. It is fairly easy to set up and use and comes equipped with a wide range of plugins that allows users to introduce features and functions to their site without coding. They also get access to hundreds of free or inexpensive premium themes to create a beautiful online presence for their business.

WordPress hosting plans provide WordPress-specific hosting services and features. The managed hosting allows users to focus on growing their business and not worry about the problems of managing their hosting plan. Although these plans are a bit expensive than the usual unmanaged plans, many top websites still opt for managed hosting services.Here are 3 big reasons why they choose managed WordPress hosting plans despite the higher prices:

Enhanced Site Speed

The first big advantage that managed hosting services provide is the enhanced speed at which the blogs and websites smoothly operate. A quick loading site helps in increasing the conversion rates of new visitors. Most customers do not prefer slow loading speed and leave the website before making a purchase. With a managed plan, you will find more visitor conversions due to the optimal speed and performance of the website.

Improved Security

When you opt for managed WordPress hosting plans, your host provider ensures that their skilled and experienced professionals create firewalls on the platform and maintain it. Their constant supervision prevents your website from getting malware attacks. Additionally, your website is automatically updated through the WordPress platform once there are newer versions of the software available. It allows your website to continually operate and be accessible to users always.

Good Uptime and Backup

Managed WordPress hosting offers a 99.9% uptime guarantee with almost no unscheduled downtimes. This feature allows users to take advantage of unlimited storage space even during peak times when the storage resources are scarce. Additionally, some host providers offer a backup service to restore your system and get it back into working order in the event of any unexpected problems with your website. Their superior data recovery and high redundancy policies ensure the best site experience for the visitors.

Apart from these amazing benefits, you also get 24/7 expert technical support through Managed WordPress hosting providers. They have vast knowledge and good experience of operating these sites and ensure that all issues are tackled and resolved faster.

If you are looking to expand your business and do not want to spend extra on maintaining a technical team, managed WordPress hosting plans are the best solution for you. Additionally, their expert guidance will ensure optimal site performance and minimized bad user experiences. more info to visit: http://techsitenews.com/

By admin

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