Golf Cart


Everyone knows about the advances in li-ion technology and how it has become the number one power alternative for a range of applications that used to rely on older battery technologies. They have also been essential for newer products like those handheld electronic devices most of us use every day. Truly, this technology would not have been possible without the li-ion battery, its adaptability, its high energy density, and the small sizes into which it can be proportioned.

So, in this way, we can safely say that li-ion battery technology has certainly made the future possible – but it has also updated the past. For example, li-ion batteries are not just powering new devices, they are also replacing the power sources of technology that has been with us for a while. The most obvious example of this is the rise of the electric car, which has been a triumph for the li-ion battery, proving that it can power a large vehicle to a greater degree of efficiency than the gas engine it is set to replace. Another example is the USB-C rechargeable smart batteries produced by Pale Blue Earth, which are bringing li-ion technology into the realm of common household batteries.

An Li-Ion for Your Golf Cart

The ability of li-ion batteries to replace older power sources in familiar products is a phenomenon that is beginning to spread fast. Garden power tools such as strimmers and lawnmowers, for example, are now beginning to be powered by li-ion batteries. And if an li-ion battery can power a car, then it can certainly cope with any vehicle smaller than that. And one of the most popular applications li-ion batteries is as a power source for small light vehicles like airport trolleys, mobility scooters and, of course, the golf cart that takes you from hole to hole.

The interesting thing about golf carts, however, is not that they now come in battery-powered versions, but that you can upgrade your golf cart to an li-ion battery, saving you the purchase of a new one. But how does this work?

Lithium vs Lead Acid

The battery in question that li-ions replace in a golf cart is the more traditionally used lead-acid battery. Indeed, an li-ion battery actually has a range of benefits over the lead-acid which has made this transition all but inevitable. Here are a few as they pertain to the operation of your golf cart:

They are Lighter

Li-ion batteries are lighter in weight, offering a smoother ride on your golf cart, greater speed, and less strain on the battery itself (because it is pulling less dead weight).

No Maintenance

Quite simply, there is no regular maintenance that is required for li-ion batteries.

Can Charge Faster

And not only that, but li-ion batteries will retain the charge they have accumulated for longer.

How to Switch Out Lead Acid Batteries for Li-ion

So the above are some of the main advantages of li-ion batteries for small vehicles like golf carts. And, if this has convinced you to make a change, here is how to go about it:

  • Firstly, disconnect the main positive and negative connections (only afterwards can you remove the interconnecting cables between the cells).
  • Remove the mounting straps
  • Take the mounting brackets out and remove the lead-acid batteries
  • Clean out the tray that the batteries were sitting in.
  • Insert the new li-ion batteries.
  • Remember to wire them in parallel (positive to positive). Lead acid batteries are wired in series, which you should avoid replicating.

And that is all there is to it. Faster, longer lasting, and smoother golf course transportation awaits!

By admin

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