

Most of the seasoned Amazon vendors will agree that setting the price of the books they are selling is crucial. It’s advisable to set the price of used books at an average price of seven dollars for you to break even. To make profits, you can try to set a minimum of ten dollars and a maximum of twelve dollars as a cushion. Remember that the lower the price that you settle on, Amazon will charge you a higher fee. This article will give you a guideline on how to sell second hand books on Amazon.

Is it better to sell used or new books?

It can be a difficult task if you want to sell new books and you are a beginner. You must source and buy your books from distributors, wholesalers, or publishers. The only way you can make profits from listing new books is by purchasing them in bulk. For you to manage buying books in bulk, you can try purchasing them from the self-published authors since they are connected with various wholesalers.

For beginners, it’s a good idea to begin by selling used books. Used books are in a higher demand than new books, and it gives beginners the chance to experiment and find out which books are selling more, without incurring high costs.

How You Should Ship Used Books to Your Customers

If you are a beginner, it’s advisable to start by shipping your books using the FBM method; this means that you’ll have to pick, pack, and ship all the requested books by your customers. Remember that you if you choose this method, you’ll be handling all the processes by yourself, inclusive of customer care.

When you become more established, you can try using the FBA method; as your online business thrives, you’ll need more time packing, picking and shipping.

It’s important to remember that shipping is the most essential part in any online venture; it means that you must choose a method that will work well for you.

Advantages of Using the FBA method

  • The Amazon platform will ship all the orders on your behalf
  • Your books will be entitled for Prime shipping, and this includes shipping costs
  • Your books are given priority as compared to those being sold using the FBM method
  • If a problem comes up using the FBA shipment method and a customer gives a negative feedback, you can remove it.
  • It’s a cost-effective and scalable option for medium-large size sellers on Amazon

Importance of Creating an Amazon Seller Central Account

The fees charged for selling used books on AMZ will depend on the seller account that you settle on. If you choose the Individual Seller Account, you won’t incur any charges. However, you’ll pay 0.99 dollars for every book that you sell. It’s an ideal method if you are selling less than forty books per month.

Amazon’s Professional Seller Account charges approximately 39.99 dollars per month. You are only required to provide your business name, bank info, credit card, and contact info.

Final Say

Choosing the shipment method or the account to use depends on your inventory. Do your research to ensure that the method you choose will be profitable for you.

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